Who We Are
The Finance Shared Service Center (SSC) provides high-quality, customer-focused services that support the academic, research, and service missions of the University of Kansas. Our goal is to simplify and streamline financial processes across the university, fostering strong, collaborative relationships with every unit we serve.
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Find Your SSC Staff
Unsure who to contact for your specific needs? Use this tool to connect with the right SSC representative for your department.
Finance Service Portal (FSP)
Learn about available services. Find answers to your questions. Submit a service request or check the status of a submitted service request.
Find Resources
Looking for specific forms or documentation? Check out our Resources page, which includes guides and helpful links related to our services.
Working with the SSC
The SSC partners with university departments to process financial transactions, ensuring accuracy, timeliness, and transparency. The SSC works under the following operating principles:
- Efficiency: In defining processes, systems, and interactions, SSC staff will consistently seek effective and efficient solutions.
- Open Communication: SSC staff will continually solicit advice, share information, and discuss common objectives and goals both internally and with units served.
- Collaboration: Every effort will be made to create and maintain positive, collaborative relationships with campus partners. SSC staff members' efforts to foster such relationships will be encouraged and recognized.